
Friday, September 12, 2008

23 weeks 2 days

Praise God from whom all blessings flow we have made it to 23 weeks. We are so thankful for this trial that God has brought us to He is teaching us so much! More blogs to come on all the things that He is teaching us.

I just wanted to send out a blog to let everyone know that we are doing good. I'm still on bed rest which is a choice that Jason and I made to give the babies the best chance possible. I have a few Braxton Hick's contractions every once in a while but nothing major. Melody and Madison move all the time I love it!

I have been able to keep Kenya at home with me I just lay down and play with her or just let her run around and play. She is such an easy kid we are very blessed.
Destinee is doing great she is in ninth grade this year I can't believe it, high school we have a kid in high school (my little sister lives with us) . She is such a blessing to be around she keeps me laughing all the time. Now on to my sweet husband words can not express how thankful I am for my husband. Since I have been on bed rest he has been doing everything and I mean everything. I couldn't do this without him!

We go back to the doctor on the 19th I can't wait to see the babies again and hear how they are doing. I will post a blog as soon as we get home (well maybe). I will post one soon there after.

If you go back and read my very first blog I was talking about how I couldn't wait to get big well it happened and I love it! I also talked about how I thought I was having twins :)

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has been praying for us. The love and support we have had has been very overwhelming in a good way. God is being glorified and we are thankful to be a part of it.

Kenya loves my belly she sings a song to the girls "Melody, Madison clap clap clap" it is so cute! Click here to watch it!


  1. The last picture is absolutely priceless! I would enlarge it to frame!

  2. I am so glad you are feeling well, and the girls are doing well! I am home all day so let me know if you need company, dinner, or help with Kenya!

  3. Hey y'all I just want u to know that you are in my prayers! I Emailed your blog to some of my co workers and just wanted to share with you what they said. Take care and god bless! Tara

    Wow! She is an absolutely amazing woman! She is so positive and faithful. She is a much stronger person than I am. She is truly inspiring. - christi

    I don't know that I could be as strong as they are. I admire them greatly and I wish them all gods blessings! - Barbara C

    Wow! I'm so humbled by her complete faith! - Lisa

    Wow- they are amazing. I will add them to my prayers! - Carol d

  4. Wow Vanessa! I saw your comment over on the 4 little men blog. I've sat and read your entire story. Your families faith is amazing. It's incredible that you have turned this situation over to God and his glory. I'll keep you in my prayers and look forward to following your journey. Take Care!

  5. I love you guys! You are in our prayers...
