
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Christian Suffering

I have been thinking a lot about the baby growing in my womb and anxiously awaiting our appointment next week. (We will be going to my doctor for a sonogram on the 17th) Most days I'm doing good but then there are a few days where fear starts to grip me. I start worrying and wondering if everything is okay with the baby, is there even a baby in there, what if I have a miscarriage. These things run through my head a lot. I have been trying to trust the Lord and of course I know that fear is not from Him. I have been praying a lot and I know that no matter what happens God is sovereign over all things,... including suffering.

I was so blessed by our pastor's message Sunday, it could not have come at a more perfect time. He talked about Christian suffering. Here were his 5 main points taken from Jason's notes:

"A Theology of Christian Suffering" (1 Peter 4: 12-19)

1) Suffering is not strange for the Christian, it's normal
1 Pet 4:12 | John 16:33 | Phil 1: 28-29 | 2 Tim 2:12 | 1 Pet 1:6 | Acts 14:22 | 2 Tim 3:12 | 1 Cor 4:9-13

2) Christian suffering is sanctifying (purifying)
James 1:2 | Rom 5:1-5 | 1 Pet 4:12 | 1 Pet 1:6-7

3) Christian suffering is useful for our assurance and our rejoicing in future glory
1 Pet 4:13 | Acts 5:41 | 1 Thes 1:6 | 2 Cor 12:9 | Rom 5:1-2

4) Christian suffering is a indication of God's favor and blessing
1 Pet 4:14-16 | 2 Cor 1:8-10 | Isa 11:2 | 2 Cor 12:9 | 1 Pet 2:20

5) Christian suffering is part of God's future judgment
1 Pet 4:17-18 | Mal 3:1-6

6) Christian suffering should cause us to lean on our sovereign God
1 Pet 4:19

I encourage everyone to listen to this message (which you can download HERE). It really put everything into perspective and I know that no matter what, no matter if our baby is fine or if we are about to walk a similar road that we did last year, God is sovereign over all of it!

I can rest knowing that no amount of fear or worry is going to change God's plan for our lives so I trust the Lord with my life and the lives of our children. I rest knowing that I serve a God who is not caught by surprise when suffering happens but is in control of it, allowing it all to happen for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28).

I praise God for the life growing in my womb and whether we get a few weeks or a life time to love on our little one I will praise God and enjoy our baby for the time He has given us with him or her :)

The Lord give and the Lord takes away,
blessed be the name of the LORD!
(Job 1:21)



  1. my best mothering and mother to be advice... ignorance is bliss...

  2. You are so right Vanessa. I got tears reading this. I have told everyone I know that although we were devestated about the loss of our baby, I am SO thankful for the time we did have. No matter what happens you have to cherish the time you have. I am praying for you and your little one. Hugs!
