
Friday, December 28, 2012

Russia banned adoptions to the US.

I'm not sure how many of you know but Putin just signed a law banning US Citizens from adopting Russian children. This doesn't effect Anton since he is already home but it does effect thousands of orphans in Russia. In fact there are 46 kids that have been approved by Russia to come home to their American families who may now have to stay in Russia. I am so heartbroken for all of the kids and for their families. I feel like there is nothing we can do because he has already signed this into a law but we have to do something!

 American families that have adopted from Russia have been posting before and after pictures on FB and on their blogs to show the world what love can do in these children's lives. Please feel free to link up to this post with your children's before and after pictures. To do a side by side picture you can use this software.  If you can't figure out how to link up please email me and I will walk you through it (

Here is Anton's before and after picture: 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone! Everything is going great on the home front and I will post a detailed update soon.

I wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!