Anton has had a fever on and off since Wednesday. He slept through dressing change and sounded like he was wheezing a little bit and had a wet cough so as soon as we were done I took him to the hospital. We had the best experience. I signed in and they took us right back to a triage room. All of the nurses and doctors were super sweet. Then they moved us to the room he would be in for the rest of our time there. The nurse that took care of him had taken care of him before. She was super sweet and went above and beyond to care for him. We had an anesthesiologist come draw blood and start his IV. Just her coming into the er to do this for us was awesome! She did a great job and we had a lovely conversation about fostering and adoption. They did a chest xray (looked great) and flu test (came back negative!). The doctor decided to give him some IV antibiotics then send us home. Once we were discharged the nurse heard him cough and I said something about how wet his cough sounded and I was guessing we would be back in a few days. She asked if I wanted her to ask the doctor if he would write a prescription for antibiotics in cause he was developing pneumonia. I said I would love that so she asked and he agreed! Did y'all catch the part that we were already discharged and his nurse went out of her way to make sure we had antibiotics and his doctor wrote the prescription even though he technically didn't have to. Such great staff! It was time for is to go and his nurse saw all the bags I had to carry not including Anton (I forgot his stroller) and insisted that she would carry our bags to the car (which wasn't close at all). Not only did she do that she waited in the parking garage until I started pull away to make sure we got out of there okay. I don't even fully know how to put into words how much all of the doctors and nurses helped us and how sweet they were with Anton. I love our local children's hospital and I'm so thankful for the care Anton has received there. If you took care of Anton tonight and are reading this THANK YOU for taking such great care of our boy! Thanks, Vanessa - January 03, 2015 at 11:47PM