Hello everyone!
I have so much to update you all on but so little desire to blog :/ I will make it short and sweet.
We took a day trip to Austin last week to celebrate Uncle Toe Toe's new book Jump Little Cake, Jump. We had such a great time and we really love the book. If you haven't gotten a copy yet you really should, you can get it HERE. It is a super cute children's book about Preston Spice, an adopted cupcake, who is trying to find his flavor in the world. Super, super cute book and it comes with a CD featuring the shake it like a cupcake song, which at the moment is Anton's very favorite song. We shake it like a cupcake at least three times a day.

On the long drive to Austin and home from Austin we were able to finish up Kenya's Kindergarten curriculum!!! I couldn't believe my baby finished Kindergarten and that I actually was able to teach it to her! I am still on cloud nine about that one! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!!!

Judah has gotten to the age where he likes to dress himself and it is always super cute! He is a strong willed child and right now is extremely defiant most of the time, but he is also so so cute and charming. I love that boy so much but I am ready for this phase of testing me all the time to be over. I have never had a child go through terrible twos but I am pretty sure the terrible threes are among us. I was thinking tonight about the fact that he is only going to be this little once and I am just so so thankful to have him.
That is all I can think of for tonight.
I have so much to update you all on but so little desire to blog :/ I will make it short and sweet.
We took a day trip to Austin last week to celebrate Uncle Toe Toe's new book Jump Little Cake, Jump. We had such a great time and we really love the book. If you haven't gotten a copy yet you really should, you can get it HERE. It is a super cute children's book about Preston Spice, an adopted cupcake, who is trying to find his flavor in the world. Super, super cute book and it comes with a CD featuring the shake it like a cupcake song, which at the moment is Anton's very favorite song. We shake it like a cupcake at least three times a day.

Yes, Kenya is still in a 5 point harness at six and a half years old. Watch this video and you might reconsider how soon you put your child in a booster chair. I LOVE the car seat she is in and all three of our kids have one. They are super safe and we can fit all three of them in the back of our small car! Here is the car seat she has in case you were looking into this sort of thing :)
Anton is doing... okay. His skin is infection free (from what I can tell) :) , he has a cold :(, and he has a pretty big wound on his face :( He woke up Friday morning and had somehow caused most of the skin to slide down on his right cheek while he was sleeping. It was a very harsh reminder of just how awful EB can be.
Judah has gotten to the age where he likes to dress himself and it is always super cute! He is a strong willed child and right now is extremely defiant most of the time, but he is also so so cute and charming. I love that boy so much but I am ready for this phase of testing me all the time to be over. I have never had a child go through terrible twos but I am pretty sure the terrible threes are among us. I was thinking tonight about the fact that he is only going to be this little once and I am just so so thankful to have him.
That is all I can think of for tonight.