So this little guy slept during dressing change last night which I thought was adorable but turns out he wasn't feeling too good. Anton woke up coughing in the middle of the night so I went and checked on him. His breathing was very labored so I took him to the er at 3am. Turns out he has pneumonia. Even with having pneumonia his stats were good and he didn't require oxygen or any breathing treatments. We caught it super early on so we stayed in the hospital over night and then they sent us home on antibiotics today because they didn't want him to catch any other germs from being at the hospital. He is doing good other than having a small cough. In other news they did a swallow study to see of his esophagus had any strictures (I was worried about it because it is very common with his type of EB) and he didn't have any. His esophagus looks great with no narrowing! This is truly amazing news. Life has been crazy these past few weeks but God has answered so many prayers and continues to do so. So thankful to be home tonight and praising God that we caught the pneumonia so early on. via Help Anton http://ift.tt/UUlY9f August 06, 2014 at 12:31AM
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