We drove to Austin on Friday night after church, Jason and I were so tired on the way there we could not have been more excited to have made it to his brothers town house at 1am. Uncle Toe Toe lives in the coolest place, it's about 10 minutes away from downtown Austin but is tucked away in the woods. I have never seen anything like it before. Driving in Friday night we saw about 20 deer just hanging out on someones lawn. It was the coolest thing ever.
I didn't take very many pictures but here is one of Kenya with her Papa P (that's what she calls him), and Wita.
This is what happens when you go shopping with you grandparents at Target.

This is how Jason and his brother rolled all weekend in the Smart Car.

I though this was a cool picture of Uncle Toe Toe's reflection in his rear view mirror.

We had a blast in Austin we woke up Saturday morning ate breakfast at Central Market. Their breakfast is amazing if you have never eaten there please go you have got to try it! Then we went to a few vintage guitar shops, went to see Up in 3D (it's a good but sad movie, I don't recommend it for pregnant women), after that we went to Jason's Uncle Paul and Aunt Stephanie's house, they have three kids Anisa, Noah, and Megan. We all went to their community pool had fun swimming with all the kids and grandparents. Went back to Paul and Steph's ate some Rusty's BBQ which was amazing. Then we just chilled.
It was at this time that Jason decided to take a nap. I woke him up to eat and he was complaining about how tired and cold he was. My husband is the most easy going person ever, he never complains (unlike myself I complain a lot). I told him I thought we was just really tired so he ate and hung out with the family some more then fell asleep again.
By the time we got back to Jason's brothers house he was not doing well at all. He was tired, had chills, was achy all over. I still thought he was fine just overly tired so we went to bed. We woke up at about 8 in the morning and Jason was doing AWFUL he could barley walk all the color had been drained from his face and he felt more sick. We were planning on driving home from Austin that morning because I was teaching the kids at church and Jason was helping with worship. But after his Dad and I talked we decided I should take him to Urgent Care,... so I did.
Turns out Jason has Swine Flu. We couldn't believe it. His doctor said there was no reason to freak out it was just like the flu, just really contagious. She told us we needed to go home but we all needed to wear masks in the van. We headed back to Uncle Toe Toe's house to get our stuff and I could not find my glasses anywhere we looked for a long time but I had to leave them behind. I could see driving I just couldn't read street signs. Jason slept the whole way home and I was so sick to my stomach by the time we got home that I threw up.
So fast forward to today Jason has been in our room since Sunday only coming out to use the restroom. I take him food wearing my mask and Kenya gets to see him for a few minutes wearing her mask. It should last about 7 days his doctor said he could go back to work on Monday.
So far Kenya and I are fine we have no symptoms. I did have to take Kenya to the doctor yesterday she has swimmers ear and and infection on the outside of her ear but she seems to be doing fine with it.
Here is Kenya visiting Jason.
She has had a really hard time with Jason being home but her not getting to see him so we let her go in for a few minutes each day. I wash her hand really good once we leave the room.
She was so cute she ran to her room and got some books to read to her Daddy.

Jason was feeling horrible yesterday but is doing much better today.
I go for my first sonogram today at 2 I'm so excited about going but sad Jason will have to stay home. I will be
twittering while I'm there. If you don't have twitter you can read my updated on the side of the blog where is says
Our Tweets mine is the
VKDD one :) I can't wait to come home and upload pictures of the newest member of our family!
Oh and I found my old glasses so I can see the street signs again :)