We went to the doctor yesterday and it was a much better experience than the first time. We had to wait for two hours to get in but I didn't care I was just happy to be there. We were so excited when they called us back. I asked the sonogram tech if she could spend some time getting really good shots of the babies because all the sonograms we had up until that point they had just been measuring the girls. She was more than happy to do that and Jason and I were so thankful! We got to see baby B swallowing and sucking her thumb and she got a really good shot of baby A's face. We haven't really said ok baby A is Melody and Baby B is Madison because we know they can turn and also when they are delivered I don't want to be stressing about them not mixing the babies up. Destinee has already informed us that when they come out Melody is the one on the left and Madison will be the one on the right, she is so cute!
(the above picture is "Baby A" looking right at us, and the one below was showing "Baby B" open and close her mouth [the arrow is pointing to her tongue]) After she finished doing her part of the sonogram our Doctor came in, he was so SWEET this time. Not that he wasn't last time I think he just didn't want to give us false hope so we took it as him being harsh. He came in and did his part of the sonogram and said the babies look good

. One of them weighs about one pound 9 ounces and the other one weighs about one pound 10 ounces. It's hard for them to know exactly since they are joined at the chest so they can't get a very good measurement of their chests. He said they are growing lung tissue which is really good because that was one of the fears to begin with is that their lungs wouldn't develop. He took a lot of time looking at their heart,... to make a long confusing story short he basically said if they make it to full term he is just not sure how long they will live after that. It may be a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, or months we wont know though until after they are born and we see if their heart will be able to support them both and for how long. That was much better to hear than they have a zero chance of survival.
My amniotic fluid level is good, he said if I was going to develop too much amniotic fluid that it would have already happened by this point so he is not concerned with that.
My blood pressure is also good. Our doctor spent a lot of time with us answering questions and just trying to offer some comfort. He wanted to make sure we were all on the same page as far as their birth goes so we talked about that for a while. He told us that he respected our wishes and would do everything that he could to take care of the babies and myself. He also let us know that modern medicine only goes so far. Were pretty sure what he was taking about was the fact that they just can't do open heart surgery on conjoined twins. He is referring us to a cardiologist and a neonatologist so we will be seeing all three doctors from now on and they will be meeting often to make sure that they are all on the same page.
Oh and such good news, we go back to see our doctor in two weeks! I cant handle that this whole waiting a month thing, it almost drove me crazy but two weeks I can do.
The only concern I had was every once in a while I can't get a full breath. It's not like I'm not breathing I just can get a good full breath sometimes. He said that was due to the fact that my uterus is already the size of a full term uterus and we have two big babies in there. I said I am ok with that as long as it is normal!
(our family is growing by 4 feet)