Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 2 with Baby A

I am just going to copy the email I sent out to family on here about our second day with Baby A.

We didn't get to hold him today but we did get to watch them do his dressing change. They are taking such great care of him! I saw pictures of him a few months ago and the wounds I remember looking really bad in the pictures are totally healed now. 

Everyone LOVES him there. The whole time we are there people are coming in and out of the room just to talk to him and play with him for a minute. He loves his nanny so much and as far as he knows that is his Mama. This is a huge blessing because it shows he can attach to someone and he is also being loved on all day everyday!  

Our visit lasted for 4 hours today which we were not expecting at all. Baby A's nanny took a lot of time to explain to us  how she feed him, what he liked to eat, how she got him to sleep and details from his day to day life. Then at the end she left us alone with him and we were able to get to spend some quality time playing with him while he chilled in his stroller. He loved the turtle we brought him. It lights up and plays music and he had a blast pushing the buttons and watching it go. He also LOVES to try to take my glasses off. Of course I let him and sometimes I would hand them to him then I put them back on and we do this over and over again. I might regret this later when I have to teach him not to do it but for now it has helped him to bond with me a little and we make great eye contact during our little game. 

Baby A LOVES Jason and anytime the doctors come in the room they will say "where's Papa?" and he will look all over until he finds Jason then he looks right at him till we all cheer. It is super cute! 

Baby A is such a ham! He performs on command and it is so cute. Today we got to see him growl like a bear, make a tractor noise, find his ears, blink his eyes, pretend to sneeze and cough and find his tummy. We also got to see him moving all over his bed by pushing his feet against the bed to take him where he wanted to go and he can push himself into a sitting position from laying down which we didn't know he could do and we were so excited to see him do it! 

He didn't really cry at all during our visit just a couple time during his dressing change. Yesterday he was very unsure of who we were and was pretty fussy at times but today I think he decided he likes us. We both got him to laugh and smile a lot. Our love for him continues to grow by the second and we are so blown away and so blessed that God has allowed us to find him and has given us the desire to adopt him. I can't imagine our lives without Baby A and I am so thankful that in a few short months he will "officially" be our son!

Love you all and thank you guys so much for praying for us!

Jason and I before Baby A's dressing change.

In Eastern Europe there were these HUGE Christmas trees everywhere. We use to say everything is bigger in Texas but now we say everything is bigger in Eastern Europe. The Christmas directions by far show up anything I have ever seen in America. 

Tomorrow I will post about day 3.

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