1) How do twins become conjoined?
All conjoined twins are identical, so that means that one sperm fertilizes one egg then on about the 4th day after conception the egg starts to split into two babies. It has from the 4th to the 11th day after fertilization to split into two babies if it doesn't finish by the 11th day they become conjoined.
2) Did you take fertility medication?
We did not take any kind of fertility medication. The Lord blessed us with these babies with out any medical intervention.
3) How are the twins conjoined?
Our twins also share a liver and a heart.
4) Where do you find clothes for them?
The way our babies are conjoined we will be able to buy outfits with buttons, dress them in there own outfits, then just button the front and the back together. I know it's hard to picture that so check out the following picture from the Buckles Twins:
There is also a different family that has conjoined twins just like ours. They are 2 now and she would buy 2 outfits and sew them together. She told me she would send me their clothes if we wanted them. What a huge blessing! Here is their website.
5) How did you find these other families of conjoined twins?
Jason's aunt Stephanie sent me a link to a private support group on Yahoo for families of conjoined twins. There are about 30 families on there. I have really enjoyed talking to them. It's been a huge blessing knowing that were not the only ones going through this. If you know anyone who is having conjoined twins or has had conjoined twins give them this website.
6) Will you have a c section?
I will be having a planned c section which is funny because we were planning on having a nice home birth. The Lord knows and He had other plans for this birth. I'm not sure when we will deliver. I'm going to ask the doctor when we go next Wednesday. I will be 37 weeks in the middle of December so I'm guessing it will be around then.
7) Vanessa, what do you do all day?
Kenya and I wake up around nine in the morning. I get us some breakfast something easy, then I lay down on the couch, check email, message Jason, do my Bible Study (please be praying I would be more dedicated in this), then I will sit on the floor and play with Kenya for a few minutes. Jason gets home early in the afternoon, so that is a HUGE blessing. He makes lunch for everyone, plays with Kenya, then we all take a nap (well sometimes)
Kenya is such an easy kid, she likes playing with all her toys which is nice because I don't have to constantly entertainer her.
8) Do you need any help?
We have needed a lot of help with getting Destinee to school, taking care of Kenya, cooking, cleaning...
Jason is the most amazing husband ever! He works full time then comes home and works full time around the house. He never complains about it either. He makes sure I keep resting even when I think I'm doing good and I will try to start doing stuff around the house but he wont let me. I love you babe, thank you for everything!
Our church family, blood family and friends have brought meals over for us which is such a huge blessing Thank you guys!
Jason's Mom came in town and spent a week helping us get stuff done around the house, she spent time with Kenya and cooked for us. Thank you Rose!
My Mom has also been helping a lot, we go to her house every Sunday for lunch before church. I call her if I need help with Kenya or just want company. Thanks Mom I love you!
Kenya also spends a few days a week at Jason's Aunt Ana and Uncle Dan's house. Kenya loves it.
We are down to one car and were not sure how we were going to get Destinee to school but some good friends of ours kids also go to her school, so she has been riding with them.
Oh and two of our friends have taken over the yard work, there is just not enough time in the day for Jason to do everything, so that has freed him up to do other things. Thank you Curt and Keith for mowing our yard!
Thank you everyone who has made us a meal we have really enjoyed all the different kinds of food. Also, thank you all for your prayers we have truly been blessed by all the love and support.
If you have any more questions please feel free to ask. We love talking about Melody and Madison!
I just looked at your pictures and girl you arent that big ;) I feel like a cow. I was wayyy bigger than you with only one baby. lol And no stretch marks! I am jeaous!
Vanessa I am so glad you have such a great support system!! You guys are extremely blessed!
WOW!!! What a blessing to have these 2 families to look at - the Buckles and the other family whose girls share a heart and a liver like Melody and Madison! I hope they are an extra encouragement for you and Jason right now. We are praying for you guys and your kids :) BTW - I agree with the first comment - you look great!!!! And if you really don't have any stretch marks - I am jealous :)
I just want you to know that I admire both of you. You have such great strength and faith. We can only pray and hope for the best! I enjoy your blogs and think that you are we beyond your years. Keep up the great work!
Love your cousin,
Belinda Walker
Can't wait to see you guys next weekend! Wish we were closer to help though. Love you all.
thanks for sharing that... i love reading about you and your lil' ones.
You have gotten bigger :) Thats a bummer about the stretch marks. But totally worth it!
I love following your story! God Bless you all, sorry this is short, I should be knitting, just wanted to let you know that I tagged you on my blog! =)
Vanessa & Jason, God is using you for His glory. So many people will look to you for strength & courage because you are showing the ultimate courage. God bless your whole family!
Beloved Vanessa & Jason,
WOW.. I am amazed at your dedication and how your hearts lean so hard on God's Soveriegnty.Can we understand it ? Of course not,but we can definetly weep with you.. I know I just had to stop reading and walk away and just let my heart cry out to Our Awesome God, and I thought dear God how foolish are we, especialy
I myeslf... we gripe and complain about such pitiful things.. and again I repeat things.. and I read of such a beautiful relationship the two of you share that Examplifies the power of God's Love, and the Grace of His glory through such heart wrenching circumstances .If I could I'd glady give my heart for the girls.. so letting you know both that we are weeping and pleading with God for you .Though we don't understand His will.. may we always do His will not ours ...because in reality HE KNOWS BETTER THAN US .
All our love for
In Christ your sister,
Sandy Silvester
Hey! I've been praying for you guys for a few weeks since I read your post on The Rebelution about your babies. My aunt and uncle had conjoined twins who are now seperated and almost 9 years old! They were conjoined kind of in the same way your babies are.. a little different though. Anyway, will be praying for you!
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